B2Json |
JSON (de)serialization of Java objects.
B2JsonAtomicLongArrayHandler |
B2JsonBigDecimalHandler |
(De)serializes BigDecimal objects.
B2JsonBigIntegerHandler |
(De)serializes BigInteger objects.
B2JsonBooleanArrayHandler |
B2JsonBooleanHandler |
(De)serializes Boolean objects.
B2JsonBoundedByteArrayOutputStream |
A B2Json implementation of OutputStream that
- stores stream content in a byte array
- expands capacity when needed (typically doubles)
- has an upper bound limit on output array size (max capacity)
- throws IOException if the max capacity threshold is crossed.
B2JsonByteArrayHandler |
B2JsonByteHandler |
(De)serializes Byte objects.
B2JsonCharacterHandler |
(De)serializes Character objects.
B2JsonCharArrayHandler |
B2JsonCharSquenceHandler |
(De)serializes CharSequence objects
When deserializing, the underlying concrete type is String and thus will allocate even
when the JSON input is a string.
B2JsonConcurrentMapHandler |
B2JsonDoubleArrayHandler |
B2JsonDoubleHandler |
(De)serializes Double objects.
B2JsonEnumHandler<T> |
B2JsonEnumSetHandler |
Serialization for enum sets.
B2JsonFloatArrayHandler |
B2JsonFloatHandler |
(De)serializes Float objects.
B2JsonHandlerMap |
Holds a mapping from Class to B2JsonTypeHandler.
B2JsonInitializedTypeHandler<T> |
Base class for all implementations of B2JsonTypeHandler that have an initialize() method.
B2JsonIntArrayHandler |
B2JsonIntegerHandler |
(De)serializes Integer objects.
B2JsonLinkedHashSetHandler |
B2JsonListHandler |
B2JsonLocalDateHandler |
B2JsonLocalDateTimeHandler |
B2JsonLongArrayHandler |
B2JsonLongHandler |
(De)serializes Long objects.
B2JsonMapHandler |
B2JsonNonUrlTypeHandler<T> |
Base class for handlers that don't support reading URL parameters.
B2JsonObjectArrayHandler<T> |
B2JsonObjectHandler<T> |
(De)serializes Java objects based on field annotations.
B2JsonOptions |
Options used by JSON serialization and de-serialization.
B2JsonOptions.Builder |
Builder for B2JsonOptions
B2JsonReader |
Reads a stream of characters and converts them to JSON tokens.
B2JsonSetHandler |
Serialize and deserialize sets
B2JsonStringHandler |
(De)serializes String objects.
B2JsonTreeSetHandler |
B2JsonTypeHandlerWithDefaults<T> |
Base class for all handlers that deal with default values.
B2JsonUnionBaseHandler<T> |
Handler for the class that is the base class for a union type.
B2JsonUnionTypeMap |
Holds the mapping between type names and the classes used for them in a union type.
B2JsonUnionTypeMap.Builder |
B2JsonUtil |
B2JsonWriter |
Writes out JSON tokens, supports pretty and compact style output.
B2TypeResolver |
Class used to resolve generic types of a class when supplied with the actual type arguments used to construct an
instance of the class.
FieldInfo |
Information for one field in an object that is (de)serialized.
VersionRange |
Holds a range of version numbers.