All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
B2AccountAuthorization |
B2AccountAuthorizer |
B2AccountAuthorizer provides a mechanism to get an accountId and
a corresponding B2AccountAuthorization.
B2AccountAuthorizerSimpleImpl |
B2AccountAuthorizerSimpleImpl is the usual implementation of authorizing.
B2AccountAuthorizerSimpleImpl.Builder |
B2Allowed |
B2AlreadyStoredPartStorer |
This implementation "stores" a part that has already been successfully
stored in B2.
B2ApplicationKey |
Response from b2_delete_key, and included in response from b2_list_keys.
B2AuthorizationFilteredResponseField<T> |
A generic class to represent response fields that are filtered based on authorization
Parameter T will represent the different types of response field (e.g.
B2AuthorizeAccountRequest |
This structure holds the information for b2_authorize_account.
B2AuthorizeAccountRequest.Builder |
B2BadRequestException |
B2Bucket |
B2BucketDefaultRetention |
B2BucketDefaultRetentionPeriod |
B2BucketFileLockConfiguration |
B2BucketReplicationConfiguration |
Replication configuration for a bucket.
B2BucketServerSideEncryption |
B2BucketTypes |
B2BucketTypes provides constants for well-known bucket types.
B2ByteArrayContentSource |
Use B2ByteArrayContentSource to wrap data in memory for uploading to B2.
B2ByteArrayContentSource.Builder |
B2ByteProgressListener |
This listener is called as data is read from an input stream.
B2ByteRange |
Represents a range of bytes in an HTTP entity.
B2CancellableContentSource |
A ContentSource wrapper that returns an InputStream that will check whether
the cancellation token says to stop.
B2CancelLargeFileRequest |
B2CancelLargeFileRequest.Builder |
B2CancelLargeFileResponse |
B2CancellationToken |
Token to pass around whether the caller has cancelled an operation so that
sub tasks can stop their processing.
B2CannotComputeException |
B2Capabilities |
B2Capabilities provides constants capabilities in application keys.
B2ClientConfig |
B2ClientConfig describes the various settings the B2 clients need.
B2ClientConfig.Builder |
The Builder for building a B2ClientConfig.
B2Clock |
This class provides access to two different time measurements.
B2ClockImpl |
B2ClockImpl uses values from the System class to provide a "real"
implementation of B2Clock whose clocks are determined by the system.
B2ClockSim |
B2ClockSim provides a simple simulation of a clock, for use in tests.
B2Collections |
B2ConnectFailedException |
B2ConnectFailedException represents a failure to connect to the
B2 servers.
B2ConnectionBrokenException |
B2ConnectionBrokenException represents the network connection to
the B2 servers having been closed unexpectedly.
B2ContentFileWriter |
This is a B2ContentWriter which records the incoming data into a file on disk.
B2ContentFileWriter.Builder |
B2ContentMemoryWriter |
This is a B2ContentWriter which records the incoming data into an
in-memory byte array.
B2ContentMemoryWriter.Builder |
B2ContentOutputStreamWriter |
B2ContentOutputStreamWriter is a subclass of B2ContentWriter which uses a Helper to
create the OutputStream to write to, and optionally, the InputStream to use to
reread and verify the SHA1.
B2ContentOutputStreamWriter.Builder |
B2ContentOutputStreamWriter.Helper |
A Helper provides the OutputStream(s) to write to and the InputStream(s)
to use to re-read the content after writing it.
B2ContentSink |
Implement B2ContentSink to process files downloaded from B2.
B2ContentSource |
Implementations of B2ContentSource provide the length, SHA1, and the
bytes that the B2Client should upload.
B2ContentTypes |
B2ContentTypes provides constants for well-known mime types, especially
ones that have meaning to B2.
B2ContentWriter |
B2ContentWriter is a base class for ContentHandlers which writes the content
to a stream.
B2CopyFileRequest |
B2CopyFileRequest.Builder |
B2CopyingPartStorer |
This implementation stores a part of a large file by copying
from a file that is already stored in B2.
B2CopyPartRequest |
B2CopyPartRequest.Builder |
B2CorsRule |
B2CorsRule.Builder |
B2CreateBucketRequest |
B2CreateBucketRequest.Builder |
B2CreateBucketRequestReal |
B2CreateBucketRequestReal has the attributes needed by the B2 API.
B2CreatedApplicationKey |
Information returned from b2_create_key.
B2CreateKeyRequest |
B2CreateKeyRequest.Builder |
B2CreateKeyRequestReal |
b2_create_key request, as sent to service, including the accountId.
B2Credentials |
Credentials for accessing B2's APIs.
B2CredentialsFromEnvironmentSource |
This B2CredentialsSource reads the credentials from two environment variables:
If either is missing or empty, getCredentials() will throw.
B2CredentialsImpl |
Simple implementation of B2Credentials.
B2CredentialsSource |
A B2CredentialsSource returns credentials.
B2DateTimeUtil |
B2DefaultRetryPolicy |
B2DefaultRetryPolicy implements the retry policy described in the B2
B2DeleteBucketRequest |
B2DeleteBucketRequest.Builder |
B2DeleteBucketRequestReal |
B2DeleteFileVersionRequest |
B2DeleteFileVersionRequest.Builder |
B2DeleteFileVersionResponse |
B2DeleteKeyRequest |
B2DeleteKeyRequest.Builder |
B2DownloadAuthorization |
B2DownloadByIdRequest |
B2DownloadByIdRequest.Builder |
B2DownloadByNameRequest |
B2DownloadByNameRequest.Builder |
B2ErrorStructure |
This structure describes the json that's returned by b2 for errors.
B2EventNotification |
The notification that Backblaze sends when object events occur.
B2EventNotificationEvent |
The individual event notification for an object.
B2EventNotificationRule |
One rule about under what condition(s) to send notifications for events in a bucket.
B2EventNotificationTargetConfiguration |
A destination for an event notification.
B2Exception |
B2Exception is a checked exception class that's the base class for
all B2-specific exceptions thrown by b2-sdk-java.
B2ExecutorUtils |
B2FileContentSource |
B2FileContentSource.Builder |
B2FilePolicy |
B2FilePolicy answers questions about whether to upload a file as a 'small'
file or as a 'large' file.
B2FileRetention |
B2FileRetentionMode |
B2FileRetentionMode provides constants for a bucket's default retention mode
B2FileRetentionPeriodUnit |
B2FileRetentionPeriodUnit provides constants for a bucket's default retention period
B2FileSseForRequest |
B2FileSseForResponse |
B2FileVersion |
Information about a file, as returned by the B2 API.
B2FinishLargeFileRequest |
B2FinishLargeFileRequest.Builder |
B2FlushAndSyncFileOnCloseOutputStream |
Wrap your FileOutputStreams with a B2FlushAndSyncFileOnCloseOutputStream to ensure that
your files are always sync'd before being closed.
B2ForbiddenException |
B2ForbiddenException is thrown when an HTTP response has a 403 status code or when a field for which client
does not have necessary read authorization is accessed (e.g., defaultServerSideEncryption in B2Bucket).
B2GetBucketNotificationRulesRequest |
B2GetBucketNotificationRulesRequest.Builder |
B2GetBucketNotificationRulesResponse |
B2GetBucketNotificationRulesResponse.Builder |
B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest |
B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest.Builder |
B2GetFileInfoByNameRequest |
B2GetFileInfoByNameRequest.Builder |
B2GetFileInfoRequest |
B2GetFileInfoRequest.Builder |
B2GetUploadPartUrlRequest |
B2GetUploadPartUrlRequest.Builder |
B2GetUploadUrlRequest |
B2GetUploadUrlRequest.Builder |
B2Headers |
B2Headers represents the HTTP headers that come with a response from the server.
B2HeadersImpl |
B2HeadersImpl implements the B2Headers interface.
B2HeadersImpl.Builder |
B2HideFileRequest |
B2HideFileRequest.Builder |
B2InputStreamExcerpt |
B2InputStreamExcerpt is a stream that provides the contents
of an underlying stream starting from the start'th byte
and continuing up to and including the (start + length - 1)'th
B2InputStreamWithByteProgressListener |
B2InputStreamWithByteProgressListener provides progress notifications
to a listener.
B2InternalErrorException |
B2IoUtils |
B2Json |
JSON (de)serialization of Java objects.
B2Json.constructor |
Constructor annotation saying that this is the constructor B2Json
should use.
B2Json.defaultForInvalidEnumValue |
Field annotation that designates the enum value to use when the
value in a field isn't one of the known values.
B2Json.defaultForUnknownType |
Class annotation that applies to a class that is a @union.
B2Json.firstVersion |
Annotation that says that a field exists in all versions at or after this one.
B2Json.ignored |
Field annotation that says the field is not included in JSON.
B2Json.optional |
Field annotation that says a field is optional.
B2Json.optionalWithDefault |
Field annotation that says a field is optional.
B2Json.required |
Field annotation that says a field is required to be present.
B2Json.sensitive |
Annotation that says this is a sensitive field and should be redacted when outputting
for logging
B2Json.serializedName |
Annotation to declare that this member will be serialized to JSON
with the specified name, instead of the field name in the Java class.
B2Json.type |
Type annotation used to configure B2Json serialization/deserialization.
B2Json.union |
Class annotation that says a class is the base class for a union type.
B2Json.unionSubtypes |
Class annotation that applies to an interface that is a @union.
B2Json.unionSubtypes.type |
B2Json.versionRange |
Annotation that says that a field exists in all versions in a range (inclusive).
B2JsonAtomicLongArrayHandler |
B2JsonBadValueException |
Exception thrown when a value in a JSON object is bad, even though it
is valid JSON.
B2JsonBigDecimalHandler |
(De)serializes BigDecimal objects.
B2JsonBigIntegerHandler |
(De)serializes BigInteger objects.
B2JsonBooleanArrayHandler |
B2JsonBooleanHandler |
(De)serializes Boolean objects.
B2JsonBoundedByteArrayOutputStream |
A B2Json implementation of OutputStream that
- stores stream content in a byte array
- expands capacity when needed (typically doubles)
- has an upper bound limit on output array size (max capacity)
- throws IOException if the max capacity threshold is crossed.
B2JsonByteArrayHandler |
B2JsonByteHandler |
(De)serializes Byte objects.
B2JsonCharacterHandler |
(De)serializes Character objects.
B2JsonCharArrayHandler |
B2JsonCharSquenceHandler |
(De)serializes CharSequence objects
When deserializing, the underlying concrete type is String and thus will allocate even
when the JSON input is a string.
B2JsonConcurrentMapHandler |
B2JsonDoubleArrayHandler |
B2JsonDoubleHandler |
(De)serializes Double objects.
B2JsonEnumHandler<T> |
B2JsonEnumSetHandler |
Serialization for enum sets.
B2JsonException |
Exception thrown when there is a problem reading or writing JSON.
B2JsonFloatArrayHandler |
B2JsonFloatHandler |
(De)serializes Float objects.
B2JsonHandlerMap |
Holds a mapping from Class to B2JsonTypeHandler.
B2JsonInitializedTypeHandler<T> |
Base class for all implementations of B2JsonTypeHandler that have an initialize() method.
B2JsonIntArrayHandler |
B2JsonIntegerHandler |
(De)serializes Integer objects.
B2JsonLinkedHashSetHandler |
B2JsonListHandler |
B2JsonLocalDateHandler |
B2JsonLocalDateTimeHandler |
B2JsonLongArrayHandler |
B2JsonLongHandler |
(De)serializes Long objects.
B2JsonMapHandler |
B2JsonNonUrlTypeHandler<T> |
Base class for handlers that don't support reading URL parameters.
B2JsonObjectArrayHandler<T> |
B2JsonObjectHandler<T> |
(De)serializes Java objects based on field annotations.
B2JsonOptions |
Options used by JSON serialization and de-serialization.
B2JsonOptions.Builder |
Builder for B2JsonOptions
B2JsonOptions.ExtraFieldOption |
What to do with extra fields found when de-serializing.
B2JsonOptions.SerializationOption |
How to format the serialized string
PRETTY is the default and produces indented, multi-line JSON
COMPACT produces a single line of text with no optional whitespace
B2JsonReader |
Reads a stream of characters and converts them to JSON tokens.
B2JsonSetHandler |
Serialize and deserialize sets
B2JsonStringHandler |
(De)serializes String objects.
B2JsonTreeSetHandler |
B2JsonTypeHandler<T> |
Interface for (de)serializing one class of object.
B2JsonTypeHandlerWithDefaults<T> |
Base class for all handlers that deal with default values.
B2JsonUnionBaseHandler<T> |
Handler for the class that is the base class for a union type.
B2JsonUnionTypeMap |
Holds the mapping between type names and the classes used for them in a union type.
B2JsonUnionTypeMap.Builder |
B2JsonUtil |
B2JsonWriter |
Writes out JSON tokens, supports pretty and compact style output.
B2LargeFileStorer |
A class for handling the creation of large files.
B2LegalHold |
B2LegalHold provides constants for file lock legal hold
B2LifecycleRule |
One rule about when to delete files in a bucket.
B2LifecycleRule.Builder |
B2ListBucketsRequest |
B2ListBucketsRequest.Builder |
B2ListBucketsResponse |
B2ListFileNamesIterable |
B2ListFileNamesRequest |
B2ListFileNamesRequest.Builder |
B2ListFileNamesResponse |
B2ListFilesIterable |
This interface collects the APIs we provide on our B2FileVersion iterables.
B2ListFilesIterableBase |
B2ListFilesResponse |
B2ListFileVersionsIterable |
B2ListFileVersionsRequest |
B2ListFileVersionsRequest.Builder |
B2ListFileVersionsResponse |
B2ListKeysIterable |
This interface collects the APIs we provide on our B2ApplicationKey iterables.
B2ListKeysIterator |
B2ListKeysRequest |
B2ListKeysRequest.Builder |
B2ListKeysRequestReal |
B2ListKeysRequestReal has the attributes needed by the B2 API.
B2ListKeysResponse |
B2ListPartsIterable |
This interface collects the APIs we provide on our B2Part iterables.
B2ListPartsIterableBase |
B2ListPartsIterableImpl |
B2ListPartsRequest |
B2ListPartsRequest.Builder |
B2ListPartsResponse |
B2ListUnfinishedLargeFilesIterable |
B2ListUnfinishedLargeFilesRequest |
B2ListUnfinishedLargeFilesRequest.Builder |
B2ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse |
B2LocalException |
Instances of B2LocalException represent issues that are detected by the SDK.
B2Md5 |
B2NetworkBaseException |
Instances of subclasses of B2NetworkExceptions represent issues that appears
to be related to the network.
B2NetworkException |
B2NetworkTimeoutException represents the network connection to
a B2 server being closed locally because the server
isn't answering in a timely fashion.
B2NetworkTimeoutException |
B2NetworkTimeoutException represents the network connection to
a B2 server being closed locally because the server
isn't answering in a timely fashion.
B2NotFoundException |
B2OverrideableHeaders |
Interface defining getters for headers that can be overridden on download
B2Part |
B2PartSpec |
A B2PartSpec represents part of a large file.
B2PartStorer |
Implementations of B2PartStorer are responsible for storing a single
part of a large file in B2.
B2Preconditions |
B2ReplicationRule |
One rule about how files should be replicated
to the destination bucket.
B2ReplicationStatus |
B2ReplicationStatus provides constants for cloud file replication
B2RequestTimeoutException |
B2RetryPolicy |
The B2RetryPolicy is called once after each attempt.
B2RuntimeException |
B2RuntimeExceptions are thrown instead of B2Exceptions in the places
where an interface prevents the SDK from throwing a B2Exception.
B2Sdk |
B2ServerSideEncryptionMode |
B2ServerSideEncryptionMode provides constants for the Server-Side Encryption Modes
B2ServiceUnavailableException |
B2SetBucketNotificationRulesRequest |
B2SetBucketNotificationRulesRequest.Builder |
B2SetBucketNotificationRulesResponse |
B2SetBucketNotificationRulesResponse.Builder |
B2Sha1 |
B2Sha1AppenderInputStream |
Use this to create a stream that contains the contents a wrapped stream
concatenated with the sha1 of that stream.
B2Sha1InputStream |
Wrapper for an InputStream that computes the SHA1 of the bytes
going through it.
B2SignatureVerificationException |
Instances of this class represents failure to verify content given a signature and secret.
B2StartLargeFileRequest |
B2StartLargeFileRequest.Builder |
B2StorageClient |
B2StorageClient is the interface for performing B2 operations.
B2StorageClientFactory |
Implementations of B2StorageClientFactory can create a B2StorageClient from a B2ClientConfig.
B2StorageClientFactoryPathBasedImpl |
This implementation of B2StorageClientFactory has a list of registered class names
and instantiates the first one of those classes which can be loaded.
B2StorageClientImpl |
B2StorageClientImpl implements B2StorageClient and it acquires credentials as needed
and implements our retry policies.
B2StorageClientWebifier |
A B2StorageClientWebifier is responsible for converting from request objects
to web calls and back again.
B2StorageClientWebifierImpl |
B2StoreLargeFileRequest |
B2StoreLargeFileRequest.Builder |
B2StringUtil |
String utilities
B2TestMode |
TestModes allow the client to ask the server to cause errors to help
with testing the client.
B2TooManyRequestsException |
B2TypeResolver |
Class used to resolve generic types of a class when supplied with the actual type arguments used to construct an
instance of the class.
B2UnauthorizedException |
B2UnauthorizedException.RequestCategory |
B2UpdateBucketRequest |
B2UpdateBucketRequest.Builder |
B2UpdateFileLegalHoldRequest |
B2UpdateFileLegalHoldRequest.Builder |
B2UpdateFileLegalHoldResponse |
B2UpdateFileRetentionRequest |
B2UpdateFileRetentionRequest.Builder |
B2UpdateFileRetentionResponse |
B2UploadFileRequest |
B2UploadFileRequest.Builder |
B2UploadingPartStorer |
This implementation stores a part of a large file by uploading
the bytes from a B2ContentSource.
B2UploadListener |
A B2UploadListener is called by periodically by the upload processes to
provide an indication of progress.
B2UploadPartRequest |
B2UploadPartRequest.Builder |
B2UploadPartUrlResponse |
B2UploadProgress |
The B2UploadProgress summarizes the state of an upload.
B2UploadState |
Generally, uploads follow this state diagram:
B2UploadUrlResponse |
B2Utf8Util |
B2Utf8Util has methods that are useful for processing Utf8.
B2WebApiClient |
B2WebhookConfiguration |
Webhook destination for B2EventNotificationRule
B2WebhookCustomHeader |
Custom headers for B2WebhookConfiguration
FieldInfo |
Information for one field in an object that is (de)serialized.
FieldInfo.FieldRequirement |
VersionRange |
Holds a range of version numbers.